
Multi Band DDS-VFO controller(Ver3) for 1.8inch TFT

 これまでVFO controller は2.2inchTFT LCDを中心に開発をしてきた。
 最近 海外のHomebrew仲間(Mr.Mikele)から、2.2inchTFTが入手しにくくなってきているとの便りが届いた。
確かにAliexpress等を調べてみると2.2inchの出品が少なくなっているような気がする。また値段も高くなっているようだ。そこでDDS-VFO controller Ver.3を、今のところ入手しやすい1.8inchTFTに対応できるSketchを作成した。


  1. VFO controllerのハードウェアを製作し、Arduino nanoとパソコンをUSBで接続する
  2. Arduino IDE(1.6.5、1.6.12で確認済み)を立ち上げる 
  3. ダウンロードサイト(folder NKDVFO18V3.1)からダウンロードした"vfo_v3_18eep.ino"をIDEに読み込みnanoに書き込む
  4. 書込みが終了しArduino nanoが立ち上がるとTFTに以下(PHOTO-4)の画像が表示される。
  5. 次にダウンロードサイト(folder NKDVFO18V3.1)からダウンロードした(NKDVFO18_Ver3_1.ino)をIDEに読み込みnanoに書き込む。
  6. 書込みが終了すると以下の画面(PHOTO-5)が表示されて動作状態となる。
  7. 終了

 VFO controller has developed using 2.2inchTFT LCD up to now.
 I have received the comment from my overseas Homebrewer (Mr.Mikele) recently.
He said "I am waiting tft 240x320 long long time ohhhh"
 When I checked Aliexpress, I think exhibition of 2.2inch is little. Maybe it also becomes expensive.
 So I mede Sketch for DDS-VFO(Ver.3)using 1.8inchTFT. It's TFT is using ST7735S driver.
 When 1.8inch and 2.2inch TFT are compared, a picture becomes a little rough, but there are no problems on the use. That a font-data became light, maybe indication became smooth. The movement and use method are same as 2.2inchTFT. The circuit is also same basically.
But Resistance 51 Ω x2 for backlights of TFT is changed to 51 Ω x1, so please be careful.
 It's written on below once again about programming method of a sketch.

  1. Hardware of VFO controller is made and Arduino nano and a PC are connected by USB.
  2. Arduino IDE (It's checked in IDE1.6.5 or 1.6.12.) is started.
  3. "vfo_v3_18eep.ino" downloaded from my download site.(folder NKDVFO18V3.1)Read in IDE and it7s written in nano.
  4. When writing in ends. The screen(see PHOTO-4) will be shown to TFT.
  5. Next "NKDVFO18_Ver3_1.ino" downloaded from my download site(folder NKDVFO18V3.1). Read in IDE and it's written in nano.
  6. When writing in ends. The following screen(see PHOTO-5) will be shown to TFT. 
  7. End. It's be operating state.